Monday, November 9, 2020

Conclusion of 3rd Series - Water Triple

We started the 3rd Series, Water Triple on Sunday, November 8th with a dense fog. We had a an approximately 35-40-minute delay before we called our first test dog, Labrador Female Bess to the line at 7:08 am. After the second test dog the judges decided to scrap the honor on this test worried about the time it would add to an already large test. “Free”, #31, our first running dog, got to the line at 7:42 am. Our day came to an end at 4:37 pm after dog #22 completed his series.

The second day of 3rd series started with dog #23 coming to the line at 7:10 am. We quickly got through the rest of the competing dogs and finished this series at 8:30 am. 

This series produced 7 no bird/reruns; 5 handles. We had one interference call with dog #34. There was feedback coming from the sound system that interfered with the dog going to his flyer, so the judges called a no bird.

It took a total of 10 hours 15 minutes to complete this test. Averaging approximately 10.5 minutes per dog.

We are getting ready to move to our 4th Series test site, but we will bring you the callbacks as soon as we get them.

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