Monday, November 9, 2020

Fourth & Fifth Series – Land Blind & Water Blind

As we start the 4th and 5th Series: Land Blind and Water Blind, the clouds are breaking up, and the wind is coming out of the south. The mat is facing west, so crosswind will be a big factor. A double dry pop by the gunners in white that sit between the two lines. These gunners will sit out.

Land Blind – The line to this bird is over a little dirt farm road and over some brush to go along the base of a pond levee. The dog will run through the cover change and begin to climb the hill. The rooster will be 238 yards from the line under the drip line of an oak tree and a brush pile.

Water Blind – Starting from the same mat, the dog will cross the dirt farm road and enter a pond. The dog will swim to a point on the left side, then re-enter and channel past a point on the right and touch the marshy grass at the end of the second point on its right, then cross another bit of water. This hen mallard is 250 yards out and will be halfway up the far bank.

This combined test should take about 9-10 minutes per dog. There will be a gun change after dog #3 and #24.

4th and 5th Diagram by David Morrison

View of the Land Blind field – 238 yards

View of Water Blind – 250 yards

Land Blind – 238 yards

Close-up of Land Blind – 238 yards  
Water Blind – 250 yards

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