Monday, November 9, 2020

Series 4th & 5th - Land Blind & Water Blind - Test Dogs

 Shooter & Larry came to the line at 9:43 am.

Land - Shooter went over the brush then got 3 whistles to keep the line by the levee, then 1 more under the drip line to the blind.

Water - Shooter got over the road to the edge of the water. Taking 1 whistle to get in the water, then 2 more to get to the 1st point. One more whistle came a bit early on the point, then one more to get Shooter off of it. Shooter another whistle to get back on and one to get back off the point. Taking 2 more blows to the second point with 3 more to try for the last piece of water.

Bess & Mark came to the line at 9:54 am.

Land - Bess took two blows from the whistle to get over the brush and two more at the base of the levee. She got one more under the drip line and two at the bird.

Water - Three whistles to get Bess in the pond and five to move her to the left of the point. Another two whistles to get to the 2nd point that carried her off the point and to her bird.

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